Tituba, who protects us? 2024
MILK, 2024
Mimesis of Domesticity, 2024
We are the parasite, Page1, 2024
Homes less, home spells, 2024
Morose, 2023
La cour des grands, 2022
Room with a view, 2022
Blink, 2021
The rules of the game, 2021
sanstitres.irl, 2021, (collective work)
A Home Care II, 2021 (ma diploma)
houseworking, 2021
Handshake, 2021
Beauté na yo, 2020
Haptic predictions, 2020
Earthling-as-Othering, 2020,(essay)
A Home Care-machine learning, 2020
water and atopy, 2019-2021
Sandbox by Monika E. Kazi, 2019
La Bleue Vallée : la dualité cyborg chez l’être humain, 2018,(essay)
“after the party”, 2018 (ba diploma)
salvatrice &. Poetry, 2018
Dictionnaire de mémo, 2018

Hypertextes_ corps d’écriture mémorielle, 2018 
daphnée, 2018
En se projetant la prospective, 2018
Parcours mémoriel, 2017
Pièces Assemblées, 2017, (collective work)
Bag Lady, 2017
The Seed, 2017
Without you,(who) am i?, 2016
Bureau de Culture Visuelle, 2015